Welcome Fellow Edge-Walker

​​I'm guessing that you, too, might be finding yourself walking along the edges of the dominant narrative, sensing that repairing the broken conversation with an alive and sacred world might be the most important thing we are called to do at this time of unraveling.
Those of us on the edges need to draw close to one another, to our communities, to the beings and elements of our Place as we create pockets of refugia (havens of growth in the midst of unstable terrain). The wisdom we need at this tiime comes through intimate conversation with the Holy Wild.
We need to stay connected to remember that we are not alone in this sacred call into the wild.

TheWild invites us
into the Sacred.
Have you heard the call of the wild ?
Have you experienced a mystical connection with God, with Mystery, with the soul of the world by listening and responding to the creatures and places around you? What if we really did belong to this beloved community that expands beyond our species? What if this Conversation was the song of the Wild Christ?
The Sacred invites us
into the Wild, too.
The call into wilderness is not simply a metaphor.
Ancient scriptures recount story after story of people who,
at pivotal times in history, are called into the actual living wilderness.
By the Sacred, by God. On purpose.
As cultural and biological systems collapse around us,
a WILD SPIRITUALITY, intimate re-connection with Earth as sacred,
is needed for our personal and collective transformation.
It is a remembering that
we belong to a much larger love story.

"Church of the Wild uncovers the wild roots of faith and helps us deepen our commitment to a suffering earth by falling in love with it -- and calling it church."

Follow Victoria on Patreon
Victoria is working on her next book that deepens into the practice of wild spirituality at such a time as this. You can support her writing and follow her for early release of chapters and other blogs, podcast previews, and members-only Zoom gatherings. Under contract with Broadleaf Press are:
A Field Guide to Church of the Wild: stories, ideas, resources for creating a wild church in your bio-region.
Release Date: March 4, 2025
Wild Spirituality: How the land, Mystery and your own soul invite you to step into your particular role in the Great Turning
To be released Fall 2026.

"You simply need to learn how to listen. And allow your heart to be broken, just like you do every time you fall in love.
Because the holy is in your place too. You open the gates into this enchanted land, your home, with hands muddied from the soil outside your house and a raw, scabby, and unprotected heart. You enter naked and brave."
— Victoria Loorz, Church of the Wild