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The Wild Spirituality Movement


Wild Church is a movement of people who are taking seriously the call from Spirit and from Earth to restore a dangerous fissure. Spirituality and nature are not separate. ​


To approach the wild world with reverence is an act of resistance against centuries of abused power, patriarchy, violence and empire-building that has led to a worldview of dangerous disconnection.  Restoring kindred and kind relationship between ourselves and all races, genders, traditions and species is at the core of a new story of kinship and interconnection.  Wild Church is a way to put it into practice. Wild spirituality is a way to live it.​

Image by Lukasz Szmigiel
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​​​​A movement hub for edge-walkers re-weaving spirituality and nature to ground the emerging new story.                                                             


The Center for Wild Spirituality is a support system and a learning community for like-hearted souls to listen to the allurement of the Sacred wild calling us deeper into the soul of the living world. This is the call to embody a kin-dom of God for the loving regeneration of beloved community, a conversation between and beyond our species. 


The Center for Wild Spirituality is a container, a hub, a wild seed bed for those stepping into to this larger story of interconnected relationship with the sacred in all things. I'm guessing you might be one of those edge-walkers. This is a place to invest in your own calling and find kindred relationship with a group of like-hearted companions. We need one another to find the courage, clarity and collective energy to offer a new, more compassionate way of being human in the midst of a declining Old Story intent on mindless domination. The New Story of kindred reciprocity is indeed emerging through us.


Offering programs and possibilities for connection, the keystone program is the EcoMinistry Certificate, a yearlong intensive for people who know they are called to engage with an interconnected and sacred world in a new way.  The Eco-Ministry Certificate program is open to anyone who feels called into service to what Joanna Macy calls the Great Turning, the time we are experiencing now: upheaval and unraveling alongside emergence and restoration. It is for those who understand that the core of our ecological and cultural challenges is a spiritual problem that organized religion is not going to solve.​​

Image by Nikola Knezevic

“As Western Christianity undergoes its identity crisis—a reformation or a slow implosion, depending on your leaning—a small but determined number of people are urging the church to seek God in the literal wilderness.”

                                                             Fred Bahnson, Harper's Magazine, 2016


In 2016 a group of spiritual leaders in North American found one another and launched the Wild Church Network.  They discovered that they were not alone in their decision to leave buildings and connect directly with the wild as a practice of church. 


Now there are multiple small communities from nearly every mainstream denomination practicing a new way of restoring relationship with the Sacred in Nature in the Wild Church Network.  There are no guidebooks or creeds or dogmas.  The Network doesn't try and offer "how-to" trainings for new leaders.  We offer "encouragement-to" find ways of gathering people together in nature that is unique to each leader, their particular human community, and the specific bioregion where they live.


Margaret Wheatley, speaking of the phenomenon of organic social change, asserts that pioneering efforts like this "developed by courageous communities become the accepted standard.” While the movement is still on the edges, the efforts of the pioneering wild church leaders will be deeply influential in helping to "reWild the church" and shift the paradigm of a disconnected culture toward a new story of interconnection and kindred relationality.​​

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