Church of the Wild
Award-winning book that seeks to restore sacred relationship with Earth.
Once upon a time, humans lived in intimate relationship with nature.
With an ecospiritual lens on biblical narratives and a fresh look at a community larger than our own species, Church of the Wild uncovers the wild roots of faith and helps us deepen our commitment to a suffering earth by falling in love with it--and calling it church.
Through mystical encounters with wild deer, whispers from a scrubby oak tree, wordless conversation with a cougar, and more, Victoria Loorz helps us connect to a love that literally holds the world together--a love that calls us into communion with all creatures.

From the Prologue:
"This is a story about a land where the trees talk and the waters croon and the people fall in love with birds, who love them back. This is a story about an enchanted forest hiding in plain sight, invisible until, somehow, the veil drops—and what was unseen can suddenly be seen. You may catch a glimpse when you cross the threshold on the far edge of the abandoned field, or when, just for a blinking instant, you notice how the brambles of the blackberry bush connect you to everything..."​​​​​​
Dr.Andreas Weber
Biologist & Author, "Matter & Desire: An Erotic Ecology"
“Victoria Loorz has written a breathtaking book, both bold and intimate, both erudite and immensely loving. She does for Christian belief what Robin Wall Kimmerer did for scientific Botany: invite it back into the ecstasy of a life lived together with all beings, into the poetry of sharing breath. Loorz has the gift of conveying profound messages in a light-hearted and light-footed – and outright beautiful – way, that makes it literally impossible to put down the book. “Church of the Wild” is a groundbreaking account of postdualistic religious experience, and an intoxicating temptation to allow yourself to love.”
Mirabai Starr
Author, "God of Love" and "Wild Mercy"
“This book is a luminous love song to the Body of the Earth, a sober celebration of interconnection, an elegant entreaty and a bold proposal for a new way, the renewal of the ancient way, a way of healing and holiness and prophetic enkindling. This book is a prayer. Intelligently shaped and beautifully written. Highly recommended.”
Cláudio Carvalhaes
Theologian, liturgist, artist. Author of Liturgies from Below
“Church of the Wild is about a very different church. It is an ekklesia/assembly of friends we don’t quite pay attention or listen to: birds, trees, flowers, air, waters, rocks, raccoons frogs, and so many other living beings. It is not a church in the wild, but an assembly of the wild. There we learn something about botanic sacramental relations, animal hymnodies, earth spiritualities, and through these learnings, encounter a wilderness that might be closer to us than our church buildings. Victoria Loorz’s story-telling of the wilderness offers a Christ-tradition language much needed for new dialogues, a path back to the parts of the Christian faith we have forgotten for centuries. Take and read, and let your body be-wild-ered! “
Veronica Kyle
Co-founder, Eco-Womanist Institute
“Victoria Loorz has brought us her truth-telling real "Kitchen Table" talk in this book. It is both deeply personal, inspirational and spiritually nourishing. As you turn each page you can feel yourself being called to get outside and connect with creation. Our natural altars—the trees, waters, the sun and the moon—are waiting to heal us! My ancestors, who were forced in captivity, would "steal away" in the woods to spend time praying, singing and dancing in order to withstand the brutality of the systemic racist caste system. Reading this book makes you question how did we end up boxing in our spiritual practice between the confines of four walls?”
Dr. Larry Rasmussen
Reinhold Niebuhr Professor Emeritus of Social Ethics, Union Theological Seminary
“A cascade of stories beautifully written, deeply personal and refreshingly human. They invite us to create a narrative together for a transformed people fitted to a changed Earth. Many of us have been waiting for this book. While it crisscrosses most everything, it’s concretely about transformed churches, seminaries and interfaith communities gathering to practice the future. Pass it on!”
Mary Reynolds Thompson
Founder, Live Your Wild Soul Story and author of "Reclaiming the Wild Soul"
“Church of the Wild is miraculous in its depth and beauty. Weaving rich storytelling with fascinating historical and theological insights, the author lays out a spiritual pathway rooted in communion with nature. Though Loorz is part of the Christ tradition, she speaks to all of us longing for an Earth-based spirituality. This is a sacred text for our troubled times.”
Bill McKibben
Climate Activist & Author, End of Nature
“This book will be of great use to all who feel a little broken by the world right now--those of a Christian heritage especially, but really everyone yearning to reconnect with something larger. I think the wisest course of action would be to slip it into a knapsack and remove yourself outdoors to read it.”
Endorsements for Field Guide:
Gary Paul Nabhan
Author of Jesus for Farmers and Fishers and other books
“The Church of the Wild movement is one of the most exciting advances in spirituality since Franciscan, Sufi, and Kabbalah mystics entertained dialogues with one another in Spain six centuries ago. But like any rewarding trip into the wilderness, you need a good field guide. Not only will this book reenergize your own faith, but it can help you build a stronger local community through creative liturgies and inspiring insights. It is a keeper.”
Su Yon Pak
Coauthor of Sisters in Mourning and dean at Union Theological Seminary
“Field Guide to Church of the Wild is an indispensable resource for starting and nurturing church in the wild. A feast of rituals, stories, and wisdom, this book inspires and invites us into the practice of reconnecting, re-storying, and restoring wild spirituality with humans and more-than-humans. A must-have companion to Church of the Wild!”
Brian McLaren
Author of Do I Stay Christian? and Life After Doom
“I had hoped that this Field Guide to Church of the Wild would give you practical, step-by-step instructions for forming and guiding a church of the wild. The authors actually give you something so much better—living examples of what people are actually doing right now in wild churches around the world. Be careful: as you read this book, you might just feel both an invitation and empowerment to bring some people together in an outdoor spiritual adventure.”
Craig Chalquist, PhD
Author of Terrapsychological Inquiry and coeditor of Ecotherapy: Healing with Nature in Mind
“This valuable guide offers an abundance of simple but profound practices and experiments for recalling, reconnecting with, and appreciating the sacred dimension of the natural world. These places of reconnection reveal an emerging story of our passage as a species from an artificial state of exile into our birthright of earthly homecoming. This is exactly the kind of guidance we need to mature and deepen our relations with our mistreated but vitally animate world even while building inclusive relationships with one another.”
Leah Rampy
Author of Earth and Soul: Reconnecting amid Climate Chaos; coauthor of Discovering the Spiritual Wisdom of Trees; founder and guide, Church of the Wild Two Rivers
“Field Guide to Church of the Wild includes a treasure trove of eco-spiritual practices and resources generously offered by a diverse group of wise, experienced leaders. Wrapped in the inspiring prose of Victoria Loorz and Valerie Luna Serrels, this book holds the potential to deepen and enrich the work of all those committed to deeper relationship with this sacred Earth.”
Bill McKibben
Climate Activist & Author, End of Nature
“In the long years when I was a Methodist Sunday school teacher, we met outdoors as often as in—because that is where it felt most natural to understand the God of creation. This beautiful book will help many to make that lovely and powerful connection.”
Beth Norcross
Founding director of The Center for Spirituality in Nature, coauthor of Discovering the Spiritual Wisdom of Trees
“I highly recommend this invaluable resource for anyone wishing to start a church of the wild and develop a deep, sustained connection with nature and Spirit. Drawn from years of the authors’ own experience as well as that of a number of Church of the Wild leaders, the book is not only chock-full of practical resources, rituals, and practices; it also provides a rich spiritual grounding for these gatherings.”