Committing Faith in Public with Victoria Loorz

Victoria Loorz, MDiv, is one of the speakers at this year’s Remind & Renew Conference at Phillips and online, January 25-27. Rev. Loorz is a "wild church pastor," an "eco-spiritual director" and co-founder of several transformation-focused organizations focused on the integration of nature and spirituality.
After 20 years as a pastor of indoor churches, she launched the first Church of the Wild, in Ojai CA and began to meet others with the same sense of call to leave building and expand the Beloved Community beyond our own species. She then co-founded the ecumenical Wild Church Network and Seminary of the Wild.
The Rev. Loorz and Committing Faith in Public Life host Gary Peluso-Verdend talk about her extraordinary work around ritual and communities seeking connection with God, among themselves, and with the particular places in creation, e.g., marking Ash Wednesday in the ashes of a California wildfire. She also muses about ritual work toward social repair and species repair. (And GPV apologies for mispronouncing Ojai, California).